Archive for the ‘Latest News’ Category

Isotopx at Goldschmidt 2014, Sacramento

Friday, May 16th, 2014

Here at Isotopx, we eagerly anticipate the conferences we attend, as it is an opportunity to interact with new and existing customers and discuss the latest developments in the company. First on our conference schedule is Goldschmidt in Sacramento, California in June, where we will be continuing our tradition of supporting the geochemistry community by […]

Isotopx to sponsor DINGUE 2013 in Florence

Tuesday, February 5th, 2013

Isotopx have announced sponsorship of the DINGUE 2013 noble gas meeting to be held in Florence on the 23rd and 24th of August 2013. The DINGUE  meeting is loosely attached to Goldschmidt which starts on 25 August in Florence to allow geochemists to easily attend both meetings. DINGUE is an important meeting for the noble […]

NGX: A new Multi-Collector Noble Gas Mass Spectrometer from Isotopx

Tuesday, September 25th, 2012

NGX: A new Multi-Collector Noble Gas Mass Spectrometer from Isotopx  Damian Tootell, David Burgess, Tony Jones, Zenon Palacz . Isotopx UK   Isotopx introduces the NGX Multi-collector noble gas mass spectrometer. The instrument uses the proven 27cm radius magnet used in the Phoenix Thermal Ionization Mass Spectrometer with a combination of Faraday and ion counting […]